Physical Education with Imagination!
of the Triad
Servicing the Triad area. 

Stretch-n-Grow of Winston-Salem (and the Triad), North Carolina

Jennifer Hansel - Owner/Director
(336) 287-1193  |

Address: 5484 Moravian Heights LaneClemmons, NC 27012

Welcome to Stretch-n-Grow of the Triad!   This year marks our 26th year serving children, families, and child care centers! 

We are passionate about helping children learn about fitness and building the foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits!

Be sure to visit and Like our Facebook page.

Children´s Fitness Promotes Better Learning

In our previous post titled Why Fitness for Kids Is so Important we discussed a few of the reasons that fitness plays an important role to help children stay healthy and improve in different areas. Today at Stretch and Grow in Winston/Salem we want to focus on discussing how essential exercise is to help children do better in school.

Ways That Exercise Helps Children Learn Better and Do Well in School

  • Motor skills. In young children motor skills are the foundation to help them do well in different skills such as writing. From basic skills such a s drawing shapes to more advanced abilities such as reading, motor skills play a large role in many learning activities.  Through programs like ours at Stretch and Grow, children are able to develop these excruciatingly important skills and in turn do better in school as well as grow in different areas of their life.
  • Improved Concentration. Another incredible benefit of participating in kid exercise programs is the ability to focus and concentrate better in school. This allows children to exert excess energy in an effective and fun setting and teaches them that there is a place for active movements and promotes improved attention span in the classroom and other settings where staying put is required.
  • Increased memory retention. Programs like ours also promote better sleep, which on is a great additional benefit that leads to better mood and improved memory retention helping children perform better in their studies and activities inside the home and in school.

Children´s Exercise Activities in  Winston/Salem

Help your child get a head start on their learning skills and improve their habits. We offer fun exercise activities that are the foundation for a healthy life. Call 336-287-1193 now.