Physical Education with Imagination!
of the Triad
Servicing the Triad area. 

Stretch-n-Grow of Winston-Salem (and the Triad), North Carolina

Jennifer Hansel - Owner/Director
(336) 287-1193  |

Welcome to Stretch-n-Grow of the Triad!   This year marks our 26th year serving children, families, and child care centers! 

We are passionate about helping children learn about fitness and building the foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits!

Be sure to visit and Like our Facebook page.

Summer in North Carolina can get hot, making outdoor play uncomfortable and sometimes unsafe. Keeping kids active during these months is crucial, and finding fun, engaging indoor activities can be a lifesaver for parents. Here are some indoor exercise ideas for children that will keep them...

Summer break is a time for relaxation, exploration, and maybe even too much screen time. But before you get sucked into the summer slump, let's get those bodies moving!

Why Stay Active During Summer Break?

The benefits of staying active this summer are endless, especially for growing young minds...

The Importance of Smart Snacking

Keeping active children fueled with the right snacks is crucial for maintaining their energy levels and supporting their growth and development. Whether running around the playground, playing sports, or engaging in other physical activities, providing nutritious...

As the season changes and spring blooms emerge, so do the dreaded allergies. For parents, this can mean managing their symptoms and helping their children cope, especially when it comes to staying active. Here’s how you can navigate spring allergies and exercise.

Understanding Spring Allergies


Developing children's coordination skills is crucial for their overall well-being. Coordination is essential for physical activities and is pivotal in the cognitive and social aspects of a child's growth. This guide will explore strategies to help parents and caregivers actively contribute to...

February is not just about love and valentines; it's also American Heart Month, a perfect time to focus on nurturing the most vital muscle in our bodies – the heart. While discussions about heart health often revolve around adults, it's equally crucial to instill healthy habits in children from a...

In the intricate tapestry of childhood, celebrating achievements plays a pivotal role. It extends beyond academic triumphs, becoming a cornerstone in building a child's self-esteem and confidence. Recognizing and applauding even the smallest victories contributes to a positive mindset,...

When bad weather strikes and outdoor play is no longer an option, parents and caregivers often find themselves faced with restless and energetic children in need of stimulation. Fortunately, there are plenty of creative indoor activities that can help kids stay active, engaged, and burn off...

In today's digital age, where children are often engrossed in screens and sedentary activities, the importance of flexibility for children cannot be stressed enough. Physical and mental flexibility is crucial to their overall development and well-being. Physical flexibility, in particular, is...

Engaging children in fun fitness activities promotes a healthy lifestyle and fosters holistic development. This post will explore the benefits of incorporating enjoyable fitness activities into a child's routine.

Building Strong Bodies and Bones

Fun fitness activities, such as dancing, jumping,...