Physical Education with Imagination!
of the Triad
Servicing the Triad area. 

Stretch-n-Grow of Winston-Salem (and the Triad), North Carolina

Jennifer Hansel - Owner/Director
(336) 287-1193  |

Address: 5484 Moravian Heights LaneClemmons, NC 27012

Welcome to Stretch-n-Grow of the Triad!   This year marks our 26th year serving children, families, and child care centers! 

We are passionate about helping children learn about fitness and building the foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits!

Be sure to visit and Like our Facebook page.

The summer Olympics might be over, but that doesn’t mean that we can learn some valuable lessons from the best athletes in the world. The Olympics are a great way to introduce children to different sports and how athletes become the best version of themselves.

The Importance of Setting Goals


Help Children Learn to Set Goals

Resilience is the ability to recover from a difficult situation. Sports tend to put everyone from the youngest athlete to the more experienced ones into situations that might challenge their patience and frustration limits. One way of working through challenging...

Summer is upon us, and kids are out of school, which means many parents are worried about their kids staying indoors for endless hours, playing video games, or watching TV. A solution for this is to enroll them in summer activities which include movement and play. Think of activities that will...

Mental health is a topic that many struggle to talk about due to the stigma attached to it. However, talking about mental health is crucial, especially with children, as they often struggle to understand and manage their emotions. Learn some tips on how to start the conversation and learn about...

Does your child struggle to have good balance? Do they drop things frequently? If so, your child needs to improve their coordination levels. Coordination is something we need to do our daily tasks and play sports, dance, run, etc. If you are interested in learning some tips on how to help your...

We often associate strength training with a form of training that has the purpose of building big strong muscles. Therefore, it is not a form of exercise usually associated with children. However, strength training is so much more than just building muscles and can have many benefits, even for...

For some children, developing healthy friendships and interpersonal relationships can be challenging. Helping children have good social skills requires refining said skills over time. As a parent, there are simple actions you can do to aid your child to develop their skills daily. If you are...

The approach your child has towards life determines how they understand their reality and go through their day to day. Therefore, helping them have a positive mindset can shape a very enjoyable and optimistic life. There are some things you can do to help your child have a positive view of...

Winter break is all about spending time with family, relaxing, celebrating, and overall having a lot of fun. However, taking a long break from school and extracurricular activities provides the opportunity for learning loss. To prevent your child from dealing with learning loss, we have...

Autumn is a season full of delicious scents, beautiful colors, and cozy weather. This season presents the perfect opportunity to go outside and play with leaves, decorate pumpkins, and do many other fun activities while enjoying a warm cup of tea. If you are looking for some fun ideas and...